Monday, 30 April 2012


Well it's Monday and I've decided to start on the 1200 calorie a day diet. I've downloaded (my fitness pal app) to help me with calorie count. Only 12 weeks now until my holiday and hoping to lose at least 1/2 stone. I thought I would see how this goes for a few weeks and take it from there. 

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Blood Group Diet

I've been reading about the blood group diet recently. I'm A Positive and it tells me that a vegetarian diet goes with that. Funnily enough I am a vegetarian. Also it states that the drinks which are good for me are coffee, red wine and green tea, how lucky red wine and coffee are my favourite drinks. Looks like it works automatically, lol. Has anyone tried the diet fully to lose weight, if so how did you get on?

Friday, 27 April 2012

New Diet Needed

Just booked my summer holiday and have about 3 months to lose a further 2 stone. Since I started dieting at the end of February 2011 I've lost almost 4 stone. If anyone knows of a way to lose 2 stone in a short space of time and easy to keep to please could you let me know, thank you. I'll keep you informed how I'm getting on.